Making a Christmas planner can be as simple as tucking a stack of lined paper into a three-ring binder, but if you want to get the most out of this Christmas organizing tool, consider this list of supplies:
- Three-ring binder or notebook (a clear-view binder is easy to decorate with a pretty cover and spine insert)
- Divider pages to set apart sections of the Christmas planner
- Lined paper for notes and lists
- Free printable Christmas planner forms
- Three-hole punch
- Clear plastic page protectors to hold torn-out recipes, articles and printouts
- Pocket pages for Christmas cards, printouts or extra forms
- Large manila envelope for receipts
- Post-It brand notes and flags
- Zipper pencil case
- Pencils, markers and highlighter
Money-Saving Tip: Stock Your Christmas Planner With Back-To-School Sales!
Back-to-school sales are the perfect place to find Christmas planner supplies at bargain prices--and the timing is right, too! Autumn's approach is the perfect time to begin planning for Christmas.